Thursday, February 11, 2016

Birth of Baby Silas

Post written by Kristel Hunter
37 weeks and 3 days
      This pregnancy was my hardest by far.  I had Braxton Hicks forever, more throwing up than before, pain when I would lift my legs to get dressed or in bed, and I was tired and emotional from the beginning.   I also had many nights of timing contractions for hours and then they would slowly fizzle away. All of my other babies had been at least a week early, one was even 17 days early.  So, with night after night of contractions, I thought I would also have this baby pretty early. By 39 1/2 weeks, I was super duper grumpy and mad.  I felt like this was never going to end.  I went to bed pretty upset the night before I gave birth.  I later read that being grumpy, like super duper grumpy, should be considered the first phase of labor.  I agree!!    

39 weeks and 5 days

      The morning of December 10th, I woke up to a strong contraction about 5 am.  I laid in bed timing them until Collin woke up at 6:30.  They were about 10-12 minutes apart, but some were only 8 minutes apart.  They were lasting about 45 seconds each.  Collin was ready to call the midwives and start the water.  I wanted to wait and make sure this was the real thing and get the kids to school first.  I started walking around and sitting on the birth ball.  The contractions got much closer together, like 4-5 min, but were way shorter duration, about 20-30 seconds each. 
      Around 7, I called my student midwife, Angela, and gave her a report.  Collin started filling the birth pool with hot water.  Angela said to call her when the contractions were closer to 60 seconds long.  We both felt like I would have plenty of time to get the kids out the door and then touch base. 
      I texted my neighbor, Jenn, to see if she could watch Ian.  I was still a little hesitant.  But, by 7:40ish I was having much longer contractions and some bloody show.  I texted Angela and told her.  I continued helping get kids ready. The girls had no idea what was going on.  And I had not really talked to Collin since I talked to Angela at 7.  He was trying to get some work done. 
     At one point, I was in the kitchen and had a super strong contraction.  I needed Collin to hold on to or a birth ball to sit on...something!  I tried to communicate to my kids who were slowly eating and getting lunches ready.  It was so intense!!  I couldn't get the words out.  I finally shouted, "Where's Collin?!?!"  They seemed startled and Collin hurried downstairs.  At that point, I realized this was closer than I thought.  I started yelling at the kids to get to school and take Ian next door.  They left rather early, with Ian still in his PJ's! 
      I went upstairs and got straight in the birth pool for some much needed relief. Collin called Angela at 8:07 and told her they were much closer and stronger.  She said she would be on her way.  I remember thinking, "She hasn't left yet?" and "I hope she told Valerie!"  But I guess I was a little too hesitant and calm.  She had not felt any urgency in my communication with her. 
      About 8:15, I got a text from my best friend, who happens to be my midwife's daughter and living with her.  Bita said that her mom had just rushed out the door and she assumed it was to my house.  She also wished me luck.  That text was a blessing for many reasons.  One was because it reassured me that Valerie would be there! 
     I felt the need to go to the bathroom.  Collin helped me out of the water and to the toilet.  As soon as I sat down, my water broke and I thought, "I better hurry back in the water!"  At that time, Collin looked out the bathroom window and saw Valerie pull into the drive way!  Yeah!! 
      At 8:25, Valerie came into my room and I was in the water again.  I was trying to figure out how to get comfortable in the water and was really trying to focus on breathing during contractions.  Valerie started getting out the necessary supplies.  Then she tried to get a fetal heartbeat, but my contractions started again.  I started pushing!  I could not believe I was already pushing.  I was trying not to, because during my last birth I felt like I was pushing forever.  But I could not hold back.  It was time!  He was born at 8:38 am!

     It took me a minute to catch my breath and reach for my baby.  But when I did, oh the relief and joy I felt.  Pure joy!  I was so happy!  The birth of a baby is truly a miracle, every single time!!!  I sat in the water with Silas.  He was so content and clam.  Then we realized he was too clam and turning blue.  He wasn't breathing.  Valerie started pumping air into him.  Then her assistant arrived and was listening to him with a stethoscope.  His heart rate was fine, but he wasn't getting any air.  It was not long, but seemed like forever, before he coughed up some gunk and started breathing again.  He never had another problem. 
     After I delivered the placenta, Collin cut the cord and I nursed the baby.  Sitting in the warm water, was the best.  I never got the chills that I got after every other baby I delivered.  I just felt weightless.  It was better than I imagined.  When Silas was done nursing, Collin held him while they got me out of the water and comfortable in my bed. 

Silas weighed 7 lbs 8oz
      Valerie Hall is a Certified Professional Midwife.  Angela is a student under her and was supposed to be the primary care for my birth, but she did not make it.  So Tabitha, who is also a student, was Valarie's assistant at my birth.

Head Circumference 13 in

Chest Circumference 13 in

Length 19.5 in

Tying the umbilical cord.

Kristel, Valerie,  and Tabitha

     When I look back on the birth of Silas, I am once again reminded how much Heavenly Father loves us.  I prayed that he would be born when he was ready and that Valerie would be here.  Of course, I wanted him to come much sooner.  But, once again, the timing could not have been better. The weeks of contractions made for a short labor.  The time of day was perfect as well. 
     The kids went to my parents house for the weekend.  Collin worked from home for the rest of the month.  We were able to just hang out at home over Christmas break.  We slept in and watched lots of movies.  It was a great time to have baby.  Now, I feel like we are hibernating through the rest of winter.  When it gets warmer, Silas will be bigger and it will be easier to go out and about.  I am so grateful everything fell into place.  I am so thankful for a healthy baby boy!

(If I could go back, I would make sure I did my hair, makeup,
 and put my nicest sheets and blankets on my bed!)

     We first saw the name Silas while Collin was doing family history.  It was months before we were  pregnant oreven trying to be.  Under Collins name, the family history showed an extra box for a boy.  The kids thought it meant we were going to have another boy.  I just laughed it off.  Then Collin clicked something and the name Silas was there.  It stood out to me and I never forgot it. 
      When we found out we were having a boy, I looked for other names.  I searched all over for something else.  But I could never get the name Silas out of my mind.  We looked back through our family history and  never found the name again.  I still don't know what the significance of it is.  But I know it is supposed to be his name. 

     The girls said they did not think I had the baby, because when they went out for recess, they could not see any extra cars at home.  But at lunch, they got a note from me saying that their new baby brother was born and waiting to meet them when they got home from school!  They came running home and couldn't get enough of him!
     Addison and Clare's teacher was gone, so I wasn't sure who to call at the homeschool co-op.  Then I realized we could email her.  Collin sent her a picture of Silas. I figured out who was at the homeschool and sent them a text to tell her to check her email.  She was so excited!  (I don't know why I don't have a picture of Clare.)

       Ian was adorable with his little brother.  He wanted to hold Silas forever and wouldn't let go.  It was pretty cute.  He loves rubbing the little bit of hair Silas has on his head.  He asks, "Can I fuzzy him?"

Silas's middle name is Bryce, after Grandpa Bryce! 

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